With both Justin and I’s crazy work schedules there is never really anytime to plan trips. Anyone who knows me knows that I am a beach FREAK!! My absolute favorite place on earth! So the Lord knows that I had been DYYYYING to go. Well it was the weekend before Fourth of July and Justin didn’t have any work for the next few days or so. I checked for hotels already knowing in my mind that either there wasn’t going to be anything available on such short notice OR the prices were going to be through the roof! I swear its like God said “Yes Krystal you need a beach vacation, heres a condo at your favorite resort for super CHEAP!” Hahaha! I jumped on it and we high tailed it to Florida!! Whoooo Hooooo!!!
What was even more exciting about this trip is that it was Emileigh’s first EVER trip to the beach!! I didn’t really know what to expect lol. So we get there and she LOVES the hotel! She’s been talking about the hotel ever since! The first day going to the pool and the beach she was a little scared of playing in the water but she just needed a little warming up to it! The 2nd day she HAD. A. BLAST! She laughed her little butt off playing in the waves! Daddy was trying to build a sand castle and all she wanted to do was mess it up haha! This kid also NEVER meets a stranger! She LOVES playing with other kids. She will walk right up to another little kid and ask them if they want to play with her! It is the cutest thing ever!
It was a pretty short trip but definitely worth it! I believe family time is one of the most important things in the world. I am so thankful that we were able to go and enjoy ourselves for a few days and let Emileigh experience the beach for the first time! Oh ANNNND this kid (who never cares to take pictures) let me get some AH-MAZING shots of her in her cute little dress on the beach! My heart is just so full of joy over this entire trip and I can’t wait to take her again!
Xo Krystal